Here is my OC Update of 2021, as of August 22nd, 2021
- My 6th and final main OC Fumiko Sato is here!
- Future plans for new, updated, full-colored character sheets from Aeolus for my OCs Diantha, Mei, Gina, Jennifer, and Atsuko.
- Third new and final canon shipping in my OC lore, AtsuMiko (Atsuko x Fumiko)
- Upcoming character lineup sheet of Fumiko's family members by GregTheLion coming soon.
- New official heights of my OCs
- Renamed OCs: Diantha's younger brother Xavier (formally Victor), Mei's mother Juniper, Jun for short (formally Lian), Gina's futa father Charlotte (formally Lenora), and Atsuko's father Fujitora (formally Yamamoto)
- Decided to shorten Mei and her mother Juniper by 2 inches, but they're still tall women.